About the department:
The Department of Chemistrywas established in 1970 as a General course Department and Honours course was introduced in 1996-97 academic session.At present the Department comprises of three Associate Professors and oneState-aided College Teacher (SACT).Each faculty is actively engaged in teaching, research work and has published several research papers in reputed journals. They had completed several research projects both minor and major funded by UGC and DST. There are one permanent and two casual non-teaching staff for laboratory assistance.The Department has four well equipped and spacious laboratories. Furthermore, it has an internal Library which gives an extra facility to the students in addition to the Central Library of the College.Students from this Department completed their Honours degree with remarkableresults and enter in different reputed institute to acquire higher academic degrees. Several students have become actively engaged in research activities in different Universities and Research Institutes. The departmental faculties regularly attain seminars /conferences in different disciplines. Studentsdynamically participate in different co-curricular activities, like science fair, science seminars etc.Interactive and instructional techniques, like audio-visual mode of teaching are adopted to improve student learning. Teachers also use laptop, projector and other learning devices to grow a clear view of the subject. Special attention has been given to the less meritorious students.
The department has four well-equipped laboratories with adequate instruments.
Notable activities performed:
(i) seminar on “Emerging Trends in Chemistry (ETC-2020)” to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements was organized on 14th January, 2020. Prof. Pranab Ghosh and Prof. Biswajit Sinha from University of North Bengal delivered lectures on the theme related to Emerging Trends in Chemistry as Invited Speakers. A poster session by the students of Chemistry Department was also organized.
(ii) In the year 2019 (03.01.2019), an International Seminar on “Recent Trends in Chemistry (RTC-2019)” was organized in association with the Indian Chemical Society, Kolkata. A number of renowned Chemists graced the seminar. The seminar was open to all students, research scholars, faculties of colleges and universities of all over India and abroad. The seminar was attended by around 110 participants.
(iii) One-day workshop on Implementation of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in Chemistry was jointly organized by University of North Bengal and Department of Chemistry on 31.10.2017
(iv) Study visit to a soap factory was arranged with Part III (Hons. and Gen.) Students on 27.01.2018