Seminars & Workshops Awareness Programme on Cyber Crime-23.12 ETC 2020 Energy conservation-13.2 BANDHAN BANK-9.6 70years-India-constitution day 29. 11 Chicago speech-14.9 Communicative English Participants-13-18.9 Sampurna-8.3 SEMINAR ON POETRY AND HISTORY-1.2 Skill development programme-11.2 STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION-7.6 G 20 SUMMIT-20.2 Inter disiplinary seminar and debate competition-5.10 Philosophy of SWAMI VIVEKANANDA14.11 Population-health-geography-22.2 Recruitment in FRANKFINN-28.3 RTC-2019-3.1 SABALA 8.3 SWANGSIDDHA-14.3 TEACHING LEARNING MODULE-3.7 Training program-TCS-7.1-28.1 Understanding Nature-8.3 Understanding the importance of the constitution-26.11 Vidyasagar-150th celebration-26.9 Workshop cum recruitment TCS-16.1 Workshop ON NAAC 29 .3 Workshop-online teaching learning-16.3 Workshop-The Well-being of College Teachers from the Social-Psychological Perspective-19.5 Workshop-Work-Life Balance for Academicians in 21st Century-17.5 World Philosophy Day 25.11